Announcing Blogsum-1.0

2009-11-14 12:56:56 by jdixon

I'm happy to announce the release of Blogsum-1.0. This release includes a number of bugfixes and a couple enhancements over 0.9:

  • Fixed preview mode
    Preview content is now encoded so markup will always get recreated properly in your browser.
  • Tag Cloud
    Thanks to Jim Razmus who submitted this new feature. Make sure you add the new $max_tags_in_cloud setting to your local
  • Update date when (re-)publishing
    The published timestamp updates when you publish or republish an article.
  • Fix timezones in db
    Fixed a bug where article or comment timestamps were always set to GMT instead of localtime.
  • Fix pagination
    Removed pagination view from all non-default views. That is to say, we shouldn't paginate when viewing by year/month or tag filters.
  • Minor aesthetic improvements
    Lots of whitespace fixes, a redesigned footer and the addition of a meta generator tag for Blogsum.
  • Example httpd.conf for Apache-2.x
    Thanks to Dan Colish for testing Blogsum with Apache-2.x and submitting his configuration example. This has been added to the examples directory as httpd2-blogsum.conf.

I'd like to also thank Johan Huldtgren for submitting Blogsum to the FreeBSD ports tree for inclusion. It has been accepted and will likely bring many new Blogsum users, which will inevitably cause me to struggle even harder against the onslaught of feature requests. ;)

Just kidding, I'm glad to see Blogsum gaining interest in the community. I've also updated the OpenBSD port, if you happen to be using that instead of following svn. Enjoy!


at 2009-11-18 14:19:09, nipsy wrote in to say...

Nowhere in your post did you mention where to actually get Blogsum. :)

at 2009-11-18 14:54:33, Jason Dixon wrote in to say...

at 2009-12-25 16:32:01, ficovh wrote in to say...

I installed HTTP::Lite from cpan, it don't exist in the ftp for 4.6 release (-stable).

at 2009-12-25 17:01:01, Jason Dixon wrote in to say...

It was committed post-4.6, so you can get it from -current ports or (as you mentioned) install it yourself from CPAN.

at 2009-12-25 18:59:32, ficovh wrote in to say...

Thanks, it are running now .!

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