Graphite Tip - A Better Way to Store Events

2014-01-05 20:54:03 by jdixon

Graphite is well known for storing simple key/value metrics using the Whisper time-series database on-disk format. What is not well known about Graphite is that it also ships with a feature known as Events that supports a richer form of metrics storage suitable for, well, events. Imagine a place where you could store tagged metrics and additional data relevant to the event (e.g. code snippets, comments, etc). Many folks use NoSQL databases such as HBase for this purpose, and that's a perfectly reasonable approach. However, if you'd like to store these somewhere where they can be correlated with the rest of your Graphite metrics, then Events might be a good fit for you.

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Graphite Tip - Django 1.4 Admin Workaround

2014-01-05 00:39:38 by jdixon

If you're using Graphite with Django 1.4 or newer, you've probably noticed the broken styling on the Admin module. This appears to be an annoyance at worst, but it's ugly nonetheless. I don't have a fix for this yet, but I have a workaround for anyone using Apache with their Graphite web UI.

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Graphite Tip - Working with Carbonate

2014-01-02 20:29:59 by jdixon

One of my friends at GitHub, Scott Sanders, recently published a new suite of tools collectively known as Carbonate. Anyone who has had the "pleasure" of migrating Graphite to one or more new servers, in production, has likely felt the pain of dealing with gaps in your time-series data. This is a common source of pain for many administrators; I'm really pleased that Scott was able to put together this collection of shell primitives for managing Whisper migrations.

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